Seyithan Özer



Housing Standardisation: Who Designs Our Homes and How Do We Live? 14 November 2024 - 30 January 2025, Building Centre, London.↗︎

Vivienda Asequible: Modelos Internacionales, Estandarización del Diseño y Experiencias Cotidianas 16-26 October 2024, AOA, Santiago de Chile.↗︎

Research Project

Housing Standardisation: The Architecture of Regulations and Design Standards, Royal College of Art.↗︎

Research Project

Intergenerational Design: Green Transition and Social Value, Royal College of Art.


Housing Studies in Turkey: An Open Bibliography↗︎


ERiA: How should we design the 1.5 million homes?, MArch Architecture and Urbanism, University of Hertfordshire.


Contextual and Critical Studies, BA Architecture, Arts University Bournemouth.


Journal Issue

'Housing Norms and Standards: The Design of Everyday Life', Urban Planning.↗︎


Responsible AI in Art and Design Higher Education, Royal College of Art.↗︎


'The Future of Housing Standards', the Architecture Foundation. 15 March 2024, The Barbican Centre, London ↗︎


Journal Article

'Space standards in affordable housing in England', Building Research & Information.↗︎

Conference Paper

'Space Standards and New Affordable Housing in England'. Housing Studies Association Annual Conference.


Evidence-based housing design, MArch Architecture and Urbanism, University of Hertfordshire.


Architecture, Materiality and Climate, BA Architecture, University of Hertfordshire.


Journal Article

'Changing Socio-Spatial Definitions of Sufficiency of Home: Evidence from London (UK) before and during the Covid-19 Stay-at-Home Restrictions', International Journal of Housing Policy.↗︎

Journal Article

'The design of subsidized housing: towards an interdisciplinary and cross-national research agenda'. Housing Studies.↗︎

Journal Article

'Dwelling Size and Usability in London: A Study of Floor Plan Data Using Machine Learning'. Building Research & Information.↗︎

Book Chapter

'Rebuilding the Terraced House: A Socio-spatial Exploration of Alterations', in Meireis, Sandra et al (eds), The Power of Sources in Architecture Research and Practice Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.

PhD Dissertation

'Interior Complex: Design standardization in London's housing', Royal College of Art.↗︎

Research Project

'London Housing: Policy, Regulation, Typology and Dimensional Data',Royal College of Art.↗︎


Critical and Contextual Studies, University of Hertfordshire, 2018-2021.

Research Project

Housing Standardisation: Design Guidelines, Regulatory Frameworks, and Policy, Royal College of Art.↗︎


Invisible Landscapes: Home (Act I). Royal Academy of Arts.↗︎

Conference Paper

'Designing Schools, Making Territories: Cartography of the Ford Foundation’s School Projects'.From Building to Continent: How Architecture makes Territories.↗︎